Editorial Review

The Simpsons:   Quimby

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

38 KB

Mayor Quimby: "It's time we face up to the un-face-up-to-able."

47 KB

Mayor Quimby: "We can't help but wonder what mischief you'll get into next."

20 KB

Mayor Quimby: "Fortunately we have a plan."

38 KB

Mayor Quimby: "Now, uh, let's be reasonable. We can resolve our differences peacefully."

16 KB

Mayor Quimby: "That was unexpected."

19 KB

Mayor Quimby: "Without water we're doomed."

21 KB

Mayor Quimby: "What the hell is that??"

18 KB

Mayor Quimby: "What the hell is that?"

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