Star Trek

Season 2: Journey to Babel

File Name & Size
Description of Wav Sound

65 KB

Hailing whistle sfx.

Walter Koenig as Ensign Chekov: "Bridge to Capt. Kirk."

22 KB

DeForest Kelley as McCoy: "How does that Vulcan salute go?"

9 KB

DeForest Kelley: "Shut up!"

31 KB

Kelley: "I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to stand this."

Star Trek

Season 2: Friday's Child

File Name & Size
Description of Wav Sound

16 KB

William Shatner: "Analysis, gentlemen."

36 KB

DeForest Kelley: "Make no mistake – they can be highly dangerous."

33 KB

DeForest Kelley: "I'm a doctor, not an escalator! Spock, give me a hand!"

72 KB

DeForest Kelley: "We found them totally uninterested in medical aid or hospitals. They believe that only the strong should survive."

51 KB

Leonard Nimoy: "Ordinarily, under these circumstances, I would recommend a large, well-armed landing party."

48 KB

DeForest Kelley: "Seven feet tall is not unusual. They're extremely fast and strong."

Star Trek

Season 2: The Deadly Years

File Name & Size
Description of Wav Sound

40 KB

DeForest Kelley: "Blasted machine, Spock, you can't argue with a machine."

47 KB

DeForest Kelley: "I'm not a magician, Spock, just an ol' country doctor."

81 KB

Charles Drake as Commodore Stocker: "Well then we have no alternative but to surrender."

Walter Koenig as Chekov: "Sir, the Romulans do not take captives."

22 KB

William Shatner as Kirk: "I'm 34 years old."

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