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 Editorial Review

Lost in Space

File Name KB Description of Wav Sound Caution 30

Dick Tufeld as the voice of the Robot: "Caution! Caution! There is danger!" Computer best 22

Dick Tufeld: "My computer is the best on Earth." 11

Dick Tufeld as the voice of the Robot: "Danger, danger!" 11

Sfx heard for many of the show's futuristic events. 12

The Robot: "Does not compute." 14

Dick Tufeld as the voice of the Robot: "That does not compute." Does not compute 3 31

Dick Tufeld: "It does not compute." Does not compute Smith 42

Jonathan Harris as Dr. Smith: "What do you mean it doesn't compute, you ninny?" Energy gone 52

Dick Tufeld as the voice of the Robot: "Energy cell exhausted." 9

The Robot: "I am sorry, Will Robinson. I am afraid I goofed." 11

The Robot: "I am sorry." Identify 32

Billy Mumy as Will Robinson: "This is the Jupiter 2. Identify yourself, please." Important 37

The Robot: "Is this important?" 22

Jonathan Harris as Dr. Smith: "Oh, the pain... the pain." 19

Dick Tufeld as the voice of the Robot: "Questions, questions." Silence 18

Jonathan Harris: "Silence, you ninny." Smith is here 26

Jonathan Harris: "Never fear. Smith is here." 52

The Robot: "My micro-mechanism thanks you, my computer tapes thank you, and I thank you." Touch not! 62

The Robot: "Do not touch it! It is dangerous! Do not!" Warning! 19

The Robot: "Warning! Warning! Warning!" Warning! Alien! 37

The Robot: "Warning! Warning! Warning! Alien approaching!" 14

The Robot: "Watch it, Will Robinson." Won't do it 66

Jonathan Harris: "I won't do it! I absolutely refuse! I'd rather go to jail for a hundred years! The very idea!" Wrong 47

The Robot: "What you have done is wrong."

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