Editorial Review

Bullwinkle & Rocky

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

29 KB

Bill Scott as the voice of Bullwinkle J. Moose: "Is it all over, Rock?"

June Foray as the voice of Rocket J. Squirrel: "I guess so."

19 KB

June Foray as Rocky the flying squirrel: "It's all over, Bullwinkle."

53 KB

William Conrad as the Announcer/Narrator: "Watch for another episode soon of Rocky and Bullwinkle!"

16 KB

Paul Frees as the voice of Boris Badenov: "Bahaheh!"

50 KB

Paul Frees as Boris: "Bahahahaha!"

53 KB

William Conrad as the Announcer: "Be sure to be with us next time for further adventures of Rocky the flying squirrel."

99 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "Be with us next time, won't you, if you're a boy or girl, to see the further adventures of..."

William Conrad: "Rocky the flying squirrel!"

75 KB

June Foray as the voice of Natasha Fatale: "Boris, darling, you've done it again!"

Paul Frees as Boris: "Of course! Never underestimate the power of a shnook!"

38 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "It may be a little hard to find, but don't give up."

June Foray as Rocky: "We're not."

60 KB

William Conrad as the Announcer: "And so we come to the end of another fun-filled episode of Rocky & Bullwinkle!"

68 KB

Part of the show's theme song at the end credits.

37 KB

Fanfare introducing the show.

31 KB

The other fanfare.

44 KB

Paul Frees as Boris: "Ah, but remember... a fiend in need is a fiend indeed."

39 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Ya know, Rock, he's sure got some funny ideas about fun."

22 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Great gobs o' goo, Rocky!"

42 KB

Sfx: Phone ringing.

June Foray as Rocky: "Hello. Rocky the flying squirrel speaking."

18 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Hello out there in TV land!"

39 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "Hey! It's us! Rocky and Bullwinkle!"

38 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "And now..."

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!"

34 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "Hi! I'm Rocky, and this is Bullwinkle."

20 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "Hokey smoke, Bullwinkle, look!"

28 KB

Sound effects: Honk! Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!

14 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Hot diggety!"

54 KB

Paul Frees as Boris: "Allow me to introduce myself. Boris Badenov at your service."

33 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "It is us! Rocky Squirrel and Bullwinkle Moose!"

33 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "Here are some words of wisdom from Mr. Know-It-All."

67 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "And now, here with his unlimited supply of misinformation is Mr. Know-It-All."

24 KB

June Foray as Natasha Fatale: "Boris! Is moose and squirrel!"

31 KB

Paul Frees as Boris: "Natasha! Is that miserable moose and squirrel!"

17 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Whoo, don't know my own strength."

63 KB

William Conrad as the Announcer: "Don't miss our next episode – Fuels Rush In or The Star Spangled Boner."

98 KB

Paul Frees as Boris: "To where?"

June Foray as Rocky: "Never mind."

Sfx: Footsteps as Rocky and Bullwinkle walk away.

Foray: "He's just a little too curious to suit me, Bullwinkle."

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Curious? He's downright odd."

114 KB

Bill Scott as the voice of Mr. Peabody: "Hello there. Peabody here. And this is the Wayback Machine for traveling through time. And this is my boy, Sherman. Speak, Sherman."

Walter Tetley as the voice of Sherman: "Hello."

Scott: "Good boy."

10 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Presto!"

21 KB

Paul Frees as Boris: "Oh, shut up you mouth!"

42 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "The end."

William Conrad as the Announcer: "By George, he's got it! It is the end!"

61 KB

June Foray: "Well, I guess this is it, old pal."

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "It sure is... What."

Foray: "The end."

Scott: "Oh."

32 KB

Bill Scott as Bullwinkle: "Turn it off! Turn it off!"

21 KB

Walter Tetley as Sherman: "Where are we going today, Mr. Peabody?"

52 KB

Paul Frees as Boris: "Boris Badenov, world's champion no-good-nik, at your service."

28 KB

June Foray as Rocky: "Now here's something we hope you'll really like."

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