Editorial Review

Various Stuff:
Musicians:  B. B. King

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

28 KB

B.B. King: "They used to call me the boy from Beale Street. The Beale Street Blues Boy, they would say quite often. And they started to abbreviate it, Blues Boy, B.B. ... I liked that."

124 KB

David Letterman: "Do you have a little theme music for our Charts and Graphs segment?"

Paul Shafer: "Yes, I do. Here we go."

Paul singing, accompanied by B.B. King on guitar: "Charts and graphs, charts and graphs all night long, Arts and crafts, Back where you belong, We're gonna get a lot of laughs, yeah, Out of Dave's charts and graphs!"

Audience applauds.

Dave, after applause fades: "I don't feel much like doing my little comedy piece now."

Audience tries to persuade Dave.

Paul: "Aw, come on."

Dave: "It'll never be as good as that!"

69 KB

Paul Shafer: "Tonight we're going to jam with B.B. King, though."

David Letterman: "That's right. Ya know, we had a... I've got a great question for you. What is your, your first name?"

B.B. King: "Riley. R-I-L-E-Y. Riley."

Paul: "Riley."

King: "Riley B. King."

Dave: "Riley B. King?"

King: "Yes."

Dave: "Well, ya know, you've got an extra 'B' there."

Audience laughs.

King: "Huh, huh, huh, huh! That's Blues Boy."

Dave: "Oh, Blues Boy! Aw, there ya go. 'Cause it could be, it could be R.B. King. That would work pretty well, too, don't you think?"

King: "Yes, that could be."

Dave: "I'm glad we got that cleared up."

6 KB

B.B. King: "Won't you gentlemen have a Pepsi?" (from the movie Spies Like Us)

8 KB

B.B. King in concert: "We plan to make history here this evening."

15 KB

B.B. King singing: "Nobody loves me but my mother... and she could be jivin' too."

17 KB

B.B. King: "I've quite often said if you're white and you sing the blues, you 'as black once. If you're black and you sing 'em, you're black twice."

13 KB

B.B. King singing: "Tell everybody!... B.B. King's in town."

17 KB

B.B. King: "Tell everybody!... B.B. King's in town."

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