Various Stuff: |
File Name | KB | Description of Wav Sound | |||
182 |
911 operator: "9-1-1. What are you reporting?" Al Cowlings: "This is A.C. I have O.J. in the car." 911 operator: "Okay, where are you?" Cowlings: "Please, I'm coming up the [inaudible] Freeway." 911 operator: "Okay." Cowlings: "Right now we're okay, but you gotta tell the police to just back off. He's still alive, but he's got a gun to his head." 911 operator: "Okay, hold on a minute." |
226 |
Police dispatch: "Suspect wanted for a double 187 in west L.A. division. Suspect named Orenthal James Simpson, O.J. Simpson. Suspect may be driving a white or light-colored Ford Bronco. Suspect was last seen wearing a yellow golf shirt, faded blue jeans, and white Reebok tennis shoes. Suspect is possibly armed. Use caution." |
65 |
Simpson attorney Johnny Cochran making his closing argument: "It makes no sense. It doesn't fit. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit." |
53 |
Judge Lance Ito: "I think we're going to see one of the hardest-fought legal battles – in my recollection, certainly." |
46 |
Dennis Miller: "You are a bad, bad man, O. J." (from Dennis Miller Live) |
60 |
Dennis Miller: "O. J. ... If you wore the shoes, you must lose." Audience laughs. (from Dennis Miller Live) |
446 |
911 operator: "911 emergency." Nicole Simpson: "Can you get someone over here, now, to 325 Gretna Green? He's back. Please?" Operator: "Okay, what does he look like?" Simpson: "He's O.J. Simpson. I think you know his record. Could you just send somebody over here?" 911 operator: "Okay, what is he doing there?" Simpson: (Sobbing) "He just drove up again. Can you send somebody over?" Operator: "Wait a minute. What kind of car is he in?" Simpson: "He's in a white Bronco. But first of all, he broke the back door down to get in." Operator: "Wait a minute. What's your name?" Simpson: "Nicole Simpson." Operator: "Okay. Is he the sportscaster or whatever?" Simpson: "Yes." Operator: "Okay." Simpson: "Thank you." Operator: "Wait a minute. We're sending police. What is he doing? Is he threatening you?" Simpson: (Sobbing) "He's f***in' going nuts." Operator: "Okay, just stay on the line." Simpson: "I don't want to stay on the line. He's gonna beat the s*** out of me." Operator: "Wait a minute. Wait. Just stay on the line so we can know what's going on until the police get there, okay?" |
104 |
Nicole Simpson talking to 911: "Well, my husband, or my ex-husband, just broke into my house, and he's ranting and raving..." O.J. Simpson in the background: "Hey, I have to read this bull<bleep> all week in The National Enquirer!" |
157 |
Woman announcing the verdict: "In the matter of the people of the state of California versus Orenthal James Simpson, case number BA097211. We, the jury, in the above entitled action find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder." |
124 |
Simpson attorney F. Lee Bailey: "And you say, on your oath, that you have not addressed any black person as a n***r, or spoken about black people as n***rs in the past ten years, Detective Furman?" LAPD detective Mark Furman: "That's what I'm saying, sir." |
September 11, 2001 |
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