Movies: |
File Name & Size | Description of Wav Sound | ||||
205 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "That light on the mountainside... Do you see that strange fire?" John Derek as Joshua: "A bush that burns?" Heston: "No, it is on fire, but the bush does not burn. I will turn aside and see this great sight." |
40 KB |
Anne Baxter as Nefretiri: "You believe you've changed, but you haven't." |
48 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "What I have done I was compelled to do." |
70 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "God made a covenant with Abraham that He would deliver the people... Am I the hand of God?" |
27 KB |
John Derek: "They told me you were dead." |
81 KB |
Edward G. Robinson as Dathan: "Deliverer?... Yes, yes! Delivered you to death!" |
22 KB |
Edward G. Robinson: "There goes your deliverer." |
71 KB |
Yul Brynner as Rameses: "Now speaks the rat that would be my ears." Edward G. Robinson: "Too many ears tie a rat's tongue." |
24 KB |
Anne Baxter: "Everything about us is coming to an end." |
203 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Thou didst blow with thy winds, and the sea covered them. Who is like unto Thee, O Lord? From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God." |
29 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "I have brought more evil upon you." |
201 KB |
Charlton Heston: "Fear not!... Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!" |
46 KB |
Vincent Price as Baka: "You foolish, stupid man." |
153 KB |
Edward G. Robinson: "We will not live by your commandments! We are free!" Charlton Heston as Moses: "There is no freedom without the law!" |
55 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "If there is a god, he did not mean this to be so." |
410 KB |
Anne Baxter as Nefretiri: "Before you strike, show me his blood on your sword." <pregnant pause> SFX: Sword tossed to the floor. Baxter: "You couldn't even kill him." Yul Brynner as Rameses: "His god... is God." |
71 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "You shall know that God is God and bow down to his will." |
148 KB |
Charlton Heston as the voice of God: "I am the God of thy father... the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." |
100 KB |
Priest: "The people desert the temples... They turn from the gods!" Yul Brynner: "What gods?? You prophets and priests made the gods, that you may prey upon the fears of men." |
91 KB |
John Derek as Joshua: "As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord." |
194 KB |
Charlton Heston as the voice of I Am: "I am... I am the Lord, thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me." |
38 KB |
Debra Paget as Lilia: "Joshua!" |
379 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Blasphemers! Idolaters! For this you shall drink bitter waters! God has set before you this day His laws of life and good, and death and evil. Those who will not live by the law... shall die by the law!!" |
Let my people go 1 83 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Pharaoh of Egypt! You have not yet obeyed the Lord. Let my people go." |
Let my people go 2 65 KB |
Charlton Heston: "Thus sayeth the Lord, God of Israel – Let my people go!" |
303 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "The Lord of Hosts will do battle for us!... Behold His mighty hand!" |
127 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Who is on the Lord's side, let him come to me." |
21 KB |
Yvonne De Carlo as Sephora: "There is a man among the sheep!" |
103 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Hear His word, Rameses, and obey." Yul Brynner: "Obey?... Moses, Moses..." |
92 KB |
Anne Baxter: "Oh, Moses, Moses... Why, of all men, did I fall in love with the prince of fools?" |
272 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "But, if I say to your children that the God of their fathers has sent me, they will ask, 'What is his name?' and how shall I answer them?" Charlton Heston as the voice of God: "I am that I am. Thou shalt say, 'I Am hath sent me unto you.' " |
Passover 1 106 KB |
Paul De Rolf as Eleazar: "Why is this night different from all others?" Charlton Heston as Moses: "Because this night the Lord, our God, will deliver us from the bondage of Egypt." |
Passover 2 93 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "The darkness of death will pass over us tonight, and tomorrow the light of freedom will shine upon us as we go forth from Egypt." |
Passover 3 251 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, who bringeth forth bread from the Earth." Paul De Rolf as Eleazar: "Why do we eat unleaven bread and bitter herbs, my uncle?" Heston: "The herbs remind us of the bitterness of our captivity, Eleazar... This is the bread of haste, that you will remember this night from generation to generation, forever." |
56 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Always remember, Eleazar... He passed over your house." |
49 KB |
Edward G. Robinson: "There are those who would pay much for what my eyes have seen." |
29 KB |
Yul Brynner: "I will pay your price." |
262 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Go... Proclaim liberty throughout all the lands, unto all the inhabitants thereof." |
197 KB |
Music: Trumpet fanfare. Charlton Heston: "Hear, oh Israel! Remember this day, when the strong hand of the Lord leads you out of bondage!" |
139 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Ten times you have seen the miracles of the Lord, and still you have no faith!" Edward G. Robinson: "He's a false prophet who delivers you to death!" Someone: "Stone him! Stone him!" |
62 KB |
Yul Brynner: "These things were ordered by themselves... not by any god." |
197 KB |
Egyptian trumpets blare just before Pharaoh and the Egyptians set out to bring the Children of Israel back to Egypt. |
174 KB |
Edward G. Robinson: "Better to serve the Egyptians than to die here!" Charlton Heston as Moses: "Who shall withstand the power of God?" |
150 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Woe unto thee, O Israel! You have sinned a great sin in the sight of God! You are not worthy to receive these ten commandments." |
180 KB |
John Derek: "The light of God shines from you, Moses." Charlton Heston as Moses: "Do not kneel to me, Joshua." Derek: "These tablets of stone..." Heston: "The writing of God... His ten commandments." |
36 KB |
Yul Brynner as Rameses: "So let it be written... So let it be done." |
87 KB |
Charlton Heston as Moses: "Written with the finger of God." |
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