Editorial Review

Mister Roberts

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

73 KB

James Cagney: "Sound the general alarm! Sound the general alarm! Sound the general alarm! Officer of the deck!"

21 KB

James Cagney: "I hate your guts."

41 KB

James Cagney: "The worst thing I can do to you is to keep you right here, mister."

26 KB

James Cagney: "Kicked out! Kicked out!"

18 KB

Voice on P.A. system: "Now hear this."

22 KB

James Cagney: "When I give an order, you jump."

39 KB

Jack Lemmon: "Now, what's all this crud about no movie tonight?"

15 KB

James Cagney: "What was that??"

60 KB

James Cagney: "All right. Who did it? Who did it??"

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